MY thoughts on YOUR weight loss

Here are MY thoughts on YOUR recent weight loss. I have three things to say :
  1. Great job. Keep going because the only other option is fat-the direction you are headed will bring you so much more than a smaller waistline when it comes to health.
  2. Strive to win everyday. Every time you have an “occasional 2000 calorie day,” you just wiped out the previous day of good stuff and you start back at square one. Those days failure days are over from here on out, got it? Save the excuses because no one wants to hear about how you failed again at your diet. Next time you want to eat more than your body needs, ask yourself “Is this so good that I want to wear it as fat?”
  3. Celebrate the small victories on the way. You did not gain the weight in a few months and you will not lose the weight in a few months. Chances are it took you years to gain that weight, so to expecting to lose any more than a pound or two a week is insane unless you are completely committed to a healthy lifestyle, not just counting calories.

I wish you only the best and I would love to hear your success story (email it to Tomorrow is a new page in that story, and you know as well as me that no one remembers a story where the hero fails. Become someone worth remembering. Become the person that beat the weight loss game and lived to tell about it!

James Leath, Trainer James


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