Self talk and a black eye

Would you let someone say to your face the same things you say to your mirror? Sometimes we forget how important self talk is. We forget how the scripts we repeat in our head dictate the way we perceive the world. Why is it that the world can look at a woman and see how beautiful she is but that same woman constantly reminds herself of how ugly and fat she is?

Are you overweight? Really? I am not talking about the I-wish-I-could-drop-5-pounds-before-bikini-season overweight. I am talking about the I-am-going-to-literally-die-if-I-don’t-drop-80-pounds overweight.

If the latter is you, then do something about it! Look in the mirror and commit. Take a breath, then plan your first step.

When you catch yourself punching you in the face with self degrading words, stop. Realize it is a big part of how you got there in the first place, then replace it with something positive. I am not advocating old school positive thought theology, but the studies are clear that positive people are just more pleasant to be around! And, you’ll find it is a lot easier to like yourself if you are not always beating yourself up!

Here’s what you can do to start: Look for foods that are not processed. Look at your schedule and put you on it. Label it like my best man used to label his workout sessions: “Obesity Reduction Session.” it’s funny, but 3 months and 50 pounds later, it was no longer a joke.

What do you say to yourself that beats you up?


Merry Fitness and a Happy New Rear!


YURU Fitness Professional