Writing Thank you notes

When was the last time you sat down and wrote someone a letter? I know from experience that a woman cares more about the thought of a gift than the price. If I buy my wife something expensive, I get the same reaction when I write her a poem. The same is true for your campers. Make it a habit to write one note a day to a different camper. Write a simple quote, a motivational blurb you came across, or just tell them you are proud of some accomplishment they have made. They will appreciate you for that.

Recently, my wife and I were invited to one of my client's house for dinner. I was surprised to see a note I had written her 6 months ago sitting on top of her desk. On it I had written a quote from John C. Maxwell and told her I proud of her I was. She says she reads it when she needs encouragement not to eat crappy food.
Write a short letter. It'll go a long way!

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The surprising truth about what motivates us