The Pendulum of Expectations in Youth Sports
coach note James Leath coach note James Leath

The Pendulum of Expectations in Youth Sports

Across these levels, a pendulum swings between development and winning. In a recreational league, the pendulum is firmly on the side of development—winning is nice, but it’s not the focus. At the highest levels, winning becomes the focus, and the athletes are assumed to be fully developed.

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Empowering Young Athletes
coach note James Leath coach note James Leath

Empowering Young Athletes

Remember, as a youth sports coach, your goal isn't to create professional athletes but to instill a love for the game, nurture a healthy lifestyle, and teach valuable life skills. Approach your role with enthusiasm, patience, and understanding, and you'll significantly impact your young athletes' lives.

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Shaping Tomorrow's Champions
coach note James Leath coach note James Leath

Shaping Tomorrow's Champions

Coaching is more than teaching a sport; it's about shaping character and teaching life lessons. As a youth sports coach, you have a unique opportunity to impact young lives positively. So, coach with passion, wisdom, and compassion, and help shape tomorrow's champions.

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coach note James Leath coach note James Leath

Time Out or Pause?

Games are high-stress for everyone—players, coaches, parents, and fans alike experience increased heart rates and crazy emotions throughout the game. I often get asked, “How do I make my athletes more mentally tough?”

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To Scold or Mold
coach note James Leath coach note James Leath

To Scold or Mold

"A coach is merely the extension of a child's dream." Former South African Rugby National Coach Peter DeVilliers leans in, piercing me with his eyes while the echo of his words bounces around in my head. He continues, "At the end of your life, you will be called into account for all the kids who were put under your supervision." Coach DeVilliers raises both hands up high in a victory pose. "These kids are gold! They are precious minerals that can be shaped and formed, and it is your duty to play your part!"

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The Zipper Phenomena
story James Leath story James Leath

The Zipper Phenomena

This week, look for situations in practice, competition, or life where the child is struggling. Let them struggle a bit before you intervene (so long as it is safe), and the payoff will outweigh the struggle.

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Coach the species, not the sport
coach note James Leath coach note James Leath

Coach the species, not the sport

"Records are deceiving, buddy." He went on, "I won't know how I did as a coach for 10, maybe 15 years. When those young men finish college, start a family, and are productive members of society, then I'll know I did my part well. I have never forgotten that conversation.

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Winning with a Mediocre Team
coaching James Leath coaching James Leath

Winning with a Mediocre Team

To find more success in youth sports, simplify your playbook, increase your ability to connect with children, and practice in-game situations. But whatever you do, don’t assume the child has learned how to listen and respond. We are the adults, and we are their models for how to be. 
Be a great adult. 

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